Friday, December 7, 2007

Jon Baxter Memorial Bench

A memorial bench has been placed at the Chattahoochee River in Jon's name. It was a gift to his family and Natalie from Debbie, Billy, and Danny Henwood, Steven Stole, Greg Hurst and Judson Ward. This video was provided courtesy of Debbie Henwood. The full sized video can be seen here.


Aunt Shelly said...

What a wonderful tribute to such a special young man. I was able to visit the bench on my last visit to Georgia and it is so beautiful. Thank you so much, with Love, Aunt Shelly

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful video Debbie...I know how much time and effort you put into it and it looks great. I can't tell you enough how much my family enjoys the bench. It is a place that we, especially my mom, can go to think and feel close to Jonathan. We appreciate your generosity and most of all your love for Jonathan!